Books edited, translations from French, textual criticism, annotated bibliographies
Since January 2021 I have been a co-editor for the Empyrean Series of Sublunary Editions. My mandate is to find and edit overlooked or neglected works from the history of world literature. My co-editor Joshua Rothes and I have seen thirty-five books into print so far. Among the authors I’m most proud to have seen into print: Kathleen Tankersley Young, James Thomson, Jean Paul, Thomas De Quincey, Miguel de Unamuno, Walter Savage Landor, and the early modern writers Jeremy Taylor, Antonio de Guevara, and William Drummond of Hawthornden.

I have translated a handful of books by Pierre Senges from French into English. The first was The Major Refutation (Contra Mundum Press, 2016). Senges’s work is deeply intertextual and I think that’s one of the things that’s most interesting to me about it.
I once visited the archives of Paul Metcalf and wrote 10,000 words on his life & work for the Scribner’s Annual American Writers Supplement (before the supplement was canceled, definitively, the following year).

Sublunary Editions has published two of the books you see here, Falstaff: Apotheosis and Studies of Silhouettes. The latter is in a way a continuation of the notebook fragments of Franz Kafka, an author whose work made a strong impression on me when I discovered it in high school. Rabelais’s Doughnuts (not pictured here), an original collection of seven essays by Senges, was published in February ’22. Another Senges book I had a hand in, as co-translator with Tegan Raleigh, was the gargantuan Ahab (Sequels) (Contra Mundum, 2021). All of these books are in print and available through Asterism Books.
What’s next? Running up that hill.
Here are links to a few papers and documents of mine that you probably won’t find anywhere else.
Paul Metcalf: His Life and Works. 60pp article, with a critical bibliography of his interviews, reviews, etc.
A Roll of the Dice Will Never Abolish Chance. Famous, typographically unusual long poem (1898) by Stéphane Mallarmé, translated from the French by myself. (Many different versions of this poem have been published in English translation.)
An index to reviews of English translations of Pierre Senges’s books
An -Ism of One’s Own. A review of Writers by Antoine Volodine, originally published in the online journal The Quarterly Conversation around 2014.
Césaire at Mid-Century A review of three English editions of Aimé Césaire’s books, originally published in the online journal The Quarterly Conversation, 2014.
Tracing the Influence of Jean Paul’s ‘Dead Christ’ on Nietzsche